Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) events refer to the uncontrolled release of chemicals, biological agents or radioactive contamination into the environment or explosions that cause widespread damage. CBRNE events can be caused by accidents or by terrorist acts. They are normally made up of reinforced nylon with charcoal impregnated felt.
Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defence (CBRN defence or CBRNE defence) are protective measures taken in situations in which chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear warfare (including terrorism) hazards may be present. Each one provides FR, liquid and vapor protection and is completely reusable as long as you’re not exposed or contaminated.
Evacuation bag Air Lifting by Forces in process Air Lifting by Forces in process
FIRE PROXIMITY SUITS-3 LAYERSProximity suit designed to provide the fire- fighter with protection from radiated heat and from injuries arising from impact or abrasion during operational activities. A proximity suit consist