Inflatable Shelters

The versatility of SAVIOUR Inflatable Shelters makes it suitable for a variety of industries and uses. These shelters are currently being manufactured to aid with.

SAVIOUR Quick Deployable Inflatable Shelters

For rapid deployment during Emergency situations

Saviour Inflatable Shelters are quick deployable units, designed developed to meet the requirements of emergency responders who require rapidly deployable shelters.

These shelters can be set up in minutes and stay put without any continuous air inflation for hours together. Each shelter comes with zipped entrances and can have as many need based partitions to provide rooms for offices, wash rooms or storage areas for Military or Medical requirements.

The basic facilities are provided inside the chamber which can also withstand the environmental conditions of the deployed region. Their use is owed to their ease of set up, time required for set up, portability and types of protection they can provide. The design makes the shelters lighter and more compact and therefore easier to transport and carry to any situation.

Designed for all kind of rugged Condition

Construction of
SAVIOUR Quick Deployable
Inflatable Shelters

  • The Basic Structure of the Inflatable shelter is made up of ‘Hypalon’ Rubber or equivalent
    material which when inflated forms the basic structure of the ‘Saviour’ shelter on which the
    whole structure rests. This can be inflated using any air source like Compressor or Electric
    Inflator or a Foot Pump or even Air Cylinders.
  • The shelter is constructed out of engineering polymer based inflatable fabric principally.
    Shelter consists of a water proof fabric sheet both for Internal as well as Canopy material.
    The Air tight doors are made up of engineering polymer fabric and fitted with an airtight
    zipper openable inside out.
  • Optionally the shelter sheets can be provided with Windows, Air ducts and Doors as may be
    required. The main chamber has an exit door adjacent to the entrance and an exit door at the
    rear end.
  • These can be anchored on both hard and soft surfaces and are held also with guy Ropes
    provided to take care of inclement weather conditions.
  • The Pressure sensor, Relative humidity sensor and Temperature sensors (one each) can
    be provided to monitor the environmental conditions of the Shelter if required.
  • The shelter can be powered by single / three phase power supply. Electricals as per
    requirement can be provided. Electricity Provisions can be made for lighting during Night
    time or low light situations and quality material conforming to Indian electrical standards
    shall be used to minimize any accidents.
  • Water supply provisions are given in the washrooms (If required), using tank nipples.

Guy Ropes:
Guy ropes are attached to each frame upright so that it can be firmly anchored to the ground
using spikes and withstand minimum loads and wind velocity of 25 kmph.. The guy ropes
can alternatively be secured to strong points such as trees or vehicles.

Other Services

  • Fire Proximity Suits

    FIRE PROXIMITY SUITS-3 LAYERSProximity suit designed to provide the fire- fighter with protection from radiated heat and from injuries arising from impact or abrasion during operational activities. A proximity suit consist