Impermeable CBRN Protection Suits


The Powered Respirator Protective Suit (PRPS) is a one piece gas tight chemical protective suit for use by emergency response personnel after a CBRN incident. Manufactured from DuPont™ Tychem® TK, a high performance, lightweight, multi-layer chemical barrier material. Respiratory system comprising a battery powered 3M Jupiter air filter unit fitted with a visual display unit mounted inside the suit at the base of the visor, and audible alarm. Battery pack provides 1 hour operational use, plus 15 minutes for decontamination. Twin JRF-85 gas & particle filters to provide protection against chemical and biological warfare agents. Semi-rigid laminated visor. Heavy duty gas tight zip fitted across the chest enclosed by double external storm flaps with hook and loop fastener. Dual glove system comprising Neoprene outer gloves bonded to inner Silver Shield laminate gloves. Gas tight locking cuff mechanism. Highly chemically resistant Hazmax™ safety boots permanently attached to suit.

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