Appliance and Wiring Accessories

Low Voltage

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  • Fire Proximity Suits

    FIRE PROXIMITY SUITS-3 LAYERSProximity suit designed to provide the fire- fighter with protection from radiated heat and from injuries arising from impact or abrasion during operational

  • Radiation Suits

    Normally a hazmat suit is “an overall garment worn to protect people from hazardous materials or substances, including chemicals, biological agents, or radioactive materials.” More

  • CBRN Protection Gear

    Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) events refer to the uncontrolled release of chemicals, biological agents or radioactive contamination into the environment or explosions that

  • Evacuation Carrying Bag

    The ‘Saviour’ Evacuation Carrying Bagconsists of a complete carrying bagwhich is designed along with OpticallyClear Wide Vision Visor and attachedwith examination gloves providing completeBody Protection.

  • Powered Air Protection Hood

    The ‘PAPH’ consists of a hood provided with Optically Clear Wide Vision Visor. The Hood is supplied along with a Battery Operated Powered Air Respiratory system

  • Powered Air Protection System

    The ‘PAPS’ consists of a Complete Suit which is designed along with a hood provided with Optically Clear Wide Vision Visor and attached with Booties thus providing complete Body