FIRE PROXIMITY SUITS-3 LAYERSProximity suit designed to provide the fire- fighter with protection from radiated heat and from injuries arising from impact or abrasion during operational
Normally a hazmat suit is “an overall garment worn to protect people from hazardous materials or substances, including chemicals, biological agents, or radioactive materials.” More
Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) events refer to the uncontrolled release of chemicals, biological agents or radioactive contamination into the environment or explosions that
The ‘Saviour’ Evacuation Carrying Bagconsists of a complete carrying bagwhich is designed along with OpticallyClear Wide Vision Visor and attachedwith examination gloves providing completeBody Protection.
The ‘PAPH’ consists of a hood provided with Optically Clear Wide Vision Visor. The Hood is supplied along with a Battery Operated Powered Air Respiratory system
The ‘PAPS’ consists of a Complete Suit which is designed along with a hood provided with Optically Clear Wide Vision Visor and attached with Booties thus providing complete Body